Which is better for home defense… Glock 17 or Glock 19?

Hi everyone, I’m trying to figure out which Glock to get for home defense. From what I can tell, the main difference is grip size and maybe personal preference? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Either can work for home defense. The 19 is smaller, so I prefer it for everyday carry. The 17 is larger and has less recoil, which can be nice for home use.

The 17 has a higher magazine capacity. For just home defense, I’d go with the 17.

How about a Glock 18? :joy: Just kidding. Between the two, if it’s only for home use, the 17 might be better since it’s bigger.

Greg said:
How about a Glock 18? :joy: Just kidding. Between the two, if it’s only for home use, the 17 might be better since it’s bigger.

Actually, I own the 18. It’s fun, but not practical for this purpose!

The G17 gives you 2 more rounds in the mag and a slightly longer barrel for better aim. The extra weight also reduces recoil a bit. If you’re only using it at home and not carrying it, the 17 is probably the better pick.

But if you think you might want to carry it one day and don’t plan to buy another gun soon, the 19 is more versatile. I’ve carried both, and while I used to carry the 17 when I was heavier, I prefer the 19 now that I’ve slimmed down. Both are good choices, though. Just depends on your plans.

For home defense, I’d pick the 17.

I use my Glock 19 for both carry and home defense. It goes from my holster to the nightstand and back. I also compete with both the 19 and the 34 (which is similar to the 17). The 19’s slightly smaller mag capacity doesn’t bother me.

The main difference is just the size. Either one will work.

If you go with the 17 and later decide to carry, you’d need another gun. The 19 is a good middle ground if you think you might carry it in the future.

Have you considered the Glock 34? It has a 5.3-inch barrel, a longer sight radius than the 17 or 19, and less recoil. It’s popular in competitions and with some SWAT units.

Try both at a range and see which one feels better in your hands.

A longer grip can give better control—if you’ve got the right grip technique. But Glock grips are pretty blocky and might not work well for smaller hands. Guns like the M&P 2.0 or CZ P10F have more rounded grips and might fit better.

I use a Shadow Systems pistol because I like the compatibility with Glock mags. But I agree, the M&P feels great to shoot and has a really durable finish.