What's your opinion on using laser beam systems for outdoor home security?

Hey everyone, need some advice here. I’m thinking about setting up a laser beam detection system outside my place. I’m looking for something with about 3 or 4 beams stacked on top of each other, so they all have to be disrupted at once to trigger the alarm.

I want to avoid false alarms, like from a falling leaf or something. Do you know if there’s a system like this already available, or am I going to have to build it myself?

Any success stories or recommendations from anyone who’s tried something similar?

Laser security systems are among the best systems for safeguarding homes and businesses from theft and intrusion. Hence you considering purchasing one is a good step.
According to your specifications, you may consider going for Multi-Beam Laser Systems which are designed for precise detection and can be configured to require multiple beams to be broken before triggering an alert. They are often used in high-security areas and might be suitable for your needs.

In addition to Multi-Beam Laser Systems, @Dolph can consider getting Perimeter Laser Beam Detectors which create an invisible wall of laser beams around your property. Some models allow you to stack multiple beams and adjust their sensitivity, which could be effective for your hallway security without being set off by minor disturbances.
I thought you should know :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Laser beam systems can improve outdoor home security by establishing an invisible boundary. When properly aligned, they can effectively deter intruders. Nevertheless, it is important to account for potential false alarms triggered by animals or weather. Routine maintenance is essential for optimal performance.