What's the real deal with the pricing of ADT equipment?

So, we had the ADT system set up today, and they told us we had $2900 in equipment credit. But then, after the assessment, they said we needed 3 door sensors, 8 window sensors with shock sensors, 2 key fobs, and a motion sensor. That sounded reasonable, right?

But here’s the kicker – they said the total cost would be $4300! Even with our credit, we still owed $1400. We ended up paying $360 out of pocket, which felt alright at the time. But now I’m wondering if we got played.

Do you guys think they jack up the prices so we feel good about paying a bit more than we should? Or is this just how it goes? I’m not mad about what I paid, but I’m just curious if anyone knows the real deal with ADT equipment costs.

Are these things all connected without wires? How many little keyboard things do you have?

I think the price is too much. If they put in all the wires and stuff and paid people to do it, then maybe it’s okay. But ADT wants you to sign a big contract, and for that much money, you should be able to sign a shorter one. Plus, their monthly fee for keeping an eye on things is too expensive, even if you can control stuff with your phone.

There are many other brands with equally good or better-performing equipment that you can still get for a lower amount than ADT’s.

Security firms frequently give early credits but then push further equipment at exorbitant costs. It could appear that the difference between the original credit and the final cost is a ploy to make the final cost appear acceptable. To guarantee fair pricing, it’s a good idea to investigate average expenses and weigh offers.