What specifications should I consider for capturing long-range shots?

I have a long driveway and a large front yard. What are the most important specs or features to look for in an outdoor camera to ensure it captures high-quality images of subjects from a distance?

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The lens, and your compression.

For example a 720p camera with a 85mm lens and low compression will have a much better image of a distant object than a 4k camera with an 8mm lens and high compression.

Compression is generally what murders quality and makes everything look like Bigfoot.

Thank you. I am familiar with the lens metric what is typically stated for compression when looking at specs…. Is it just “low” or “high”?

For best image quality you usually want low compression. For smallest filesize you want high compression.

When you start wanting to store a month worth of 24/7 video, the difference of a few gigabytes a day starts to add up.

Sometimes, if the camera is marketed towards professional use, or you can find the specification page, it will actually say the compression details

Probably anything over 500 yards for me. My longest shot was 525 yards on a 10″ steel gong. The cross hair was big enough to pretty much cover the entire target.

It was a great feeling though.

Exhale, trigger squeeze, pause, trigger release, lifted my head slowly, and then saw the target swing followed a second or two later by the sound of the gong.

I’m looking forward to pushing both mine and my rifles limit.

I’m planning on throwing my .308 CTR into an Oryx sometime