What measures should I take to protect my smart devices from hacking?

I’ve recently noticed some unusual activity on my smart devices, and a friend mentioned that my network might be vulnerable to hacking. I’m worried about the security of my personal information and want to ensure my devices are safe. Can anyone advise on the best measures to take to protect my smart devices from hacking? Any tips on securing my network and devices would be greatly appreciated.

I had a similar issue last year and found a few things that really helped. First, I changed all my passwords to something strong and unique—just make sure they’re memorable! Keeping everything updated with the latest software fixes is also crucial. I enabled two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security, and I took a good look at my router settings to make sure everything was locked down. Hiding my network name and using a VPN added a nice extra shield to my online activities. These steps really made a difference for me.

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Thanks for sharing your experience, Oliver! Those are solid steps, especially the 2FA and VPN. I’ve been thinking about updating my router settings too, seems like a smart move to lock things down even more. Definitely something I’ll look into.