What is Safe Haven smart home?

Today, Safe Haven set up our smart home gear. We didn’t choose the security part because we didn’t want a long contract. But we got the hub, door lock, Skybell, MyQ garage door opener, Honeywell Thermostats, and some other Wi-Fi gadgets.

Here’s the deal: having all this free smart home stuff is cool. But I don’t like that we only have two security choices:

  1. No security stuff, no monitoring.
  2. Sign a 3-year contract and get a few security things.

We hoped to buy our own sensors, cameras, and maybe pay month-to-month for monitoring. Or skip monitoring but still get alerts from sensors. But the tech guy said we can’t do that because of warranties and how everything’s set up.

So, I’m looking at my options. I want some security but not a long contract.

I heard I could get my own security gear not linked to the IQ panel (like Simplisafe or Nest cameras). But I wonder if these are possible:

  • Connect sensors/cameras to the hub, even if it cancels the warranty?
  • Sell the IQ Panel 4, Skybell, and Honeywell Thermostats, and switch to Nest stuff (Hub, cameras, doorbell, lights outside). I prefer this.

I’m not sure if the IQ panel is locked, so I don’t know if I can sell it.

Thanks for any help!

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Sign up for Alarm.com service through Surety Home.

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There’s a development of DR Horton houses being built near me, so I decided to do some research. Based on what I found, I wouldn’t agree to their terms. For a few hundred dollars, there are numerous options available, including what they’re offering.

Regarding the warranty, I’m confused about what kind of warranty wouldn’t apply to a product that’s not installed. Are they suggesting that installing a third-party sensor could void the house’s warranty? That seems unreasonable since most systems are installed in a fairly standard way.