Weird Encounter with a Kid at My Doorstep—What Could It Mean?

Hello, I live in an apartment complex, and my husband is in the military. We’re new to the area, having been here for about three months. Last night, around 9:45 PM, we had a strange encounter that left us feeling uneasy. We heard a knock at our door, which we found odd since we’re still getting to know the area. We used to live in a pretty sketchy part of California, so we were immediately suspicious.

Instead of opening the door, we looked through the peephole and saw a kid, probably around 11 years old, knocking. The strange thing was that he was signaling to someone off to the side, as if telling them to wait until we opened the door. This made us even more suspicious, so we didn’t answer. After knocking again, the kid said, “Alright, I’m done,” to whoever was with him and walked away. We never saw who was with him; they stayed purposely out of view the whole time.

This morning, I noticed some stains on the pavement in our hallway. The stains looked like drops of blood, and when I followed them, they led to a larger stain right where that person was standing. My initial thought was that it might have been a robbery attempt, but I’m not sure, especially since I know that the kid lives in our apartment complex. I also considered that it might have been a prank, but that doesn’t quite fit either. Another possibility is that the kid’s friend was injured and needed help, but the kid didn’t say anything like “I need help” or check on his friend, which also seems strange.

The whole situation was really suspicious, and I’m not sure what to make of it. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on what might have been going on?