To Hide or Not to Hide the Camera

Hey everyone,

I have a remote piece of land that’s been dealing with a lot of trespassing and theft issues, and I’m trying to figure out the best camera setup for the situation.

I’m torn between two types of cameras:

  1. Trail Cams: These can be hidden well and don’t emit light, making them less likely to be detected. The downside is that I have to manually access the data via an SD card. If someone finds, destroys, or steals the camera, I lose all evidence of the trespassing.
  2. Wi-Fi Security Cams: These are more visible, especially at night since they emit a red light. While trespassers could potentially wear a mask, come from behind, or damage the camera, the upside is that they can send data live, so I’d have evidence even if the camera is destroyed.

Given that the land is remote, off-grid, and everything will be solar/battery powered with cellular connectivity, I’m curious about what others in similar situations have chosen. Did you go for the hidden trail cam or the visible Wi-Fi cam? What was your experience?

Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated!

Hidden trail camera facing a visible wifi camera.
It’s better to file a destruction of property charge against the offender than a trespass or nuisance charge if they damage the evident camera.