Consider installing cameras that emit a whistle when they detect movement nearby. Also, secure the rear tires to the frame and use a privacy fence to reduce visibility of bikes.
Glen said:
Consider installing cameras that emit a whistle when they detect movement nearby. Also, secure the rear tires to the frame and use a privacy fence to reduce visibility of bikes.
Any recommendations for these whistling cameras?
You could use a wolf-whistling camera to make thieves uncomfortable and less likely to steal.
From experience in a bike theft-prone area: lock down everything removable, even the saddle, and attach the bike securely to a solid object. Make your bike the hardest target.
Cameras might not deter determined thieves, but locking wheels, seats, and frames properly can. Consider bringing your bike indoors to avoid theft.
Use two locks to secure the wheel to the frame for added security.
In busy urban areas, lock the rear wheel and frame together, and use a separate cable lock for the front wheel. Make it harder to steal than to cut through with tools.
Consider using cages and large combination cable locks.
Mia said:
Consider using cages and large combination cable locks.
Agreed, a robust cable combo lock can make a big difference.
For effective security, consider installing gates and wire cages in bike storage areas. Enhance with motion lights and visible cameras.
If all bikes are in one storage area, lock them lengthwise with locks on both wheels and the frame.
As a former city cyclist, always lock all wheels to the frame and take the seat with you. Keep the area well-lit and use visible cameras.
Consider installing motion-activated alarms with strobes and sirens, motion-activated sprinklers, perimeter alarms, or even using animals like dogs, guinea hens, or geese for added security.