Seeking Stealth Cameras for Orchard Security

Hey everyone,

I’m looking to set up a couple of stealthy cameras in my orchard to catch whoever is stealing my fruit and dumping trash. Here’s what I’m looking for:

  • Stealth: The cameras should be as inconspicuous as possible to avoid being detected and potentially damaged.

  • Power Source: Ideally, the cameras should be solar or battery-powered to avoid running wires.

  • Night Operation: No visible flash or lights at night, so they can operate without alerting anyone.

  • Connectivity: I want the cameras to either live stream via WiFi or at least send footage when motion is detected.

  • No SIM Cards: I’d prefer to avoid cameras that require SIM cards, as I don’t want to manage multiple data plans. However, if there’s a system where multiple cameras can connect using a single SIM card, I’m open to that.

  • Footage Storage: Saving footage on the camera itself isn’t ideal since they could be stolen or damaged if found.

Does anyone have recommendations for cameras that fit these requirements? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Get a couple trail cameras and mount them in your trees. They are made to blend in and are weatherproof.

There is high risk of being stolen or damaged. My area is like the far west

That is the same with any camera that you put out. So if you want put two out. One obvious and the other hidden that looks at the other. And then have a camera watching that one if you’re paranoid. Camouflage is your friend. Embrace it.

If I used a 4g camera with a sim, do you know where does it send the footage it captures? How do I access it say from my pc

That depends on the software. Pretty sure you can set it up to email you anytime it is tripped.

The way you describe it in the follow up comments, I see 2 solid solutions:

  1. Good old fashion stake out, depending on how often they hit your place, this option might be doable, and if you have a good sheriff, they might actually do a few nights too.
  2. Visible security parameter with photo confirmation via sim card. Expensive but most like they will not enter.

Spypoint flex, they’re cheap, easy to setup, you can pick frequency of photo transmissions. Your first month you get unlimited pictures, even without a plan you get 100 free pictures per month, but monthly plans are cheap. If you’re worried about theft or vandalism you can get steel boxes for them (I use them in areas with bears)

As others have pointed out, even camouflaged cams are likely to get trashed or taken. Instead of trying to use the cams to record the actual thievery, you might consider using the cams to alert you of the trespass, and then get yourself and, hopefully, some backing over to the orchard to catch them in the act. Good luck. Sounds hugely annoying.