Seeking Recommendations for a WiFi IP Camera with On-Demand Photo Capture on Slow IoT Internet

I’m looking for a WiFi IP camera that can operate over extremely slow internet (around 64kbps, typically referred to as IoT) and is capable of sending a picture on demand. Specifically, when I log in to the app or access its web page and instruct it to take a picture, it should be able to send a single image at a time. Battery power isn’t a concern, as a power source is available.

I know trail cameras can take pictures on demand, but I haven’t found any that offer WiFi capability—they all seem to rely on LTE or SD card recording.

This camera will be used for a humidity monitoring setup at a remote location, where the internet is provided by a very slow IoT cellular connection over WiFi. I need to visually inspect the area occasionally to check for water presence. While I do have a water sensor, a visual check through a camera would provide additional assurance.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.