Securing Inward-Opening French Double Doors

After doing a lot of research, I’ve come across several suggestions for securing inward-opening French double doors. However, I’m running into a limitation: I only have a door handle on one of the doors. The active door has both a handle and a deadbolt, while the inactive door is secured with latches at the top and bottom.

I haven’t found any recent discussions on this topic, as most posts I’ve come across are over three years old. One common recommendation I found was the Strikemaster 2 Pro, but it seems almost impossible to find these days.

I just moved into a house with French doors leading to the backyard and need to secure them as soon as possible. As a truck driver, I’m often away, leaving my wife and three daughters at home, so this is a top priority for me. Any current solutions or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Start by looking into surface door bolts for both the top and bottom, ideally installing them on both doors considering your security concerns. However, remember that the glass in most residential French doors can easily be broken, which makes these doors less effective for anything beyond basic security.

Go to amazon and look for Nightlock floor mounted