Safe Haven with ADT: A Scam in 2024?

A representative from Safe Haven, associated with ADT, recently visited my home, trying to sell a package that included multiple cameras. I asked him to return at a later date, which we agreed upon.

I’m now wondering if this company has improved over the years. Has anyone had recent experiences with them in 2024? Is Safe Haven with ADT still something to be cautious about, or have they stepped up their game?

No, just avoid. The installation might be done by Safe Haven, but after 60 days, they hand the account over to ADT, locking you into 3-5 years of headaches.

Safe Haven is definitely not a scam. When I worked At ADT I had customers who swore by them.

Just got new equipment installed. I actually do think they are starting to turn it around

Safe Haven is definitely not a scam. When I worked at ADT, I had customers who swore by them.

However, as someone mentioned, Safe Haven handles all warranty work for the first 90 days, and after that, ADT takes over any service jobs. I can almost guarantee they’ll try to sell you a Qolsys IQ Panel 4 or an ADT Command panel. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with those, ADT is moving toward using its own exclusive equipment, designed in-house rather than by a third party.

My advice is to research the new ADT equipment as thoroughly as possible. Unfortunately, there aren’t many reviews available yet, but has the equipment, and hopefully, a review will be published soon.

Next, I’d recommend doing the same research on what Safe Haven is offering. As I mentioned, it’s likely a Qolsys IQ Panel 4 or an ADT Command panel.

A few other things to consider: If you buy the equipment from them, you’ll be locked into a three-year contract. The equipment can’t be used for self-monitoring, and any service call will cost around $60. However, they do offer virtual tech support for equipment replacement.

Regarding the new ADT system: DIY might be the most cost-effective option. If you purchase the equipment, you can go with a month-to-month plan. If you opt for professional installation, you get a six-month money-back guarantee if something doesn’t work and they can’t fix it. On the downside, when I worked at ADT, transitioning from Pulse to Command equipment was challenging. Customers were often transferred between departments because it wasn’t clear where they should go. I’m not sure if that’s still the case, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is. Eventually, things will improve, and everyone will be trained, but ADT doesn’t train employees on new systems until they launch to prevent leaks (which did happen with this system).

These are important things to keep in mind, not just for ADT but for any alarm system. They’re investments in your home, which is why I mentioned the new system. I’d feel awful buying a system from Safe Haven only to have ADT take over the contract and end up feeling like I got outdated equipment (although, just so you know, the IQ Panel 4 is newer than the Command).

Anyway, I’ve gone on long enough. I hope this helps!