What are some good options for smart home features and security systems that also protect my privacy?
I’ve seen a lot of posts on this forum, but here are two things I did for home security that you might not often hear:
I made sure my windows on the first floor are at least 5’ off the ground. This makes it harder for someone to break in quickly. My windows are about 5’9" high. I did this by landscaping or because my house is on a raised foundation.
I also made the paths around my house long and noisy. My side entrance to the backyard is over 40’ long and covered in gravel and decomposed granite. This helps my dogs hear anyone walking up. I also installed cheap motion alarms that are easy to hear when triggered. There are only a few points of entry on this side of the house—two small windows about 5’6" above ground, a steel side door, and a warning sign about trespassing. It feels very secure, and anyone coming in usually backs off when they see the barb wire and hear the alarm.
Don’t have air ducts large enough to crawl through. Also, avoid using an unprotected switch for any major security features.
Nice setup! What AI software do you use for insights?
A walled front courtyard with a tall gate is a great idea. This acts like a buffer zone between your front door and the street. Add a wifi lock on the gate, a ring doorbell, high-angle cameras, and motion lights on the street side of the gate. It’s like creating a stealth version of a secure entrance, similar to how prisons have a sally port. You can also apply 3M 12-mil security film to your windows for extra protection.
Nice work! Did you work with an architect or use any references for your design?