Rant ADT Double Billing and Self-Setup Nightmare—A Year of Frustration

I’ve been struggling for over a year to get my self-setup ADT system working, and it has been nothing short of a nightmare. Since May 2023, I’ve spent countless hours on the phone with them—jumping through hoops like changing my Wi-Fi password, splitting internet bands, downloading multiple troubleshooting apps, and even getting a new hub. Yet, nothing works.

To make matters worse, they’ve lost account notes, insisted there’s no double billing while double billing me, and refuse to cancel, even though I started calling them shortly after receiving the equipment to ask for help or a refund. They’ve wasted so much of my time and money.

Today, I finally got someone on the phone who admitted that the problem has been on their end all along and should have been fixed a year ago. Now, I’m told I have to speak to someone else on Sunday to get this issue resolved. I’m beyond frustrated.