Problems with Tapo C520W Outdoor Cameras

I recently purchased two Tapo C520WS cameras to monitor my home remotely via the app. They came highly recommended by multiple people online, so I decided to give them a try.

However, I’m encountering a major issue: whenever I leave my house and my phone switches from Wi-Fi to mobile data, the app becomes nearly unusable. The live feed constantly buffers, stutters, and is generally unreliable.

Interestingly, when we tested this from a friend’s phone, he was able to access the app on mobile data 300km away. While it wasn’t perfectly smooth, it was functional. I’ve also confirmed with other users that they can use mobile data to access the cameras, even when the device is connected to the house’s Wi-Fi.

I’ve posted on various forums, including the Tplink forum, and contacted support through live chat, but so far, I haven’t received any helpful information.

I’m hoping someone here has experienced a similar issue and can offer advice. Otherwise, I’m considering returning both cameras and would appreciate any recommendations for alternatives. I don’t need anything overly fancy or complicated—just a reliable setup that I can access from an app, even when my phone and the cameras are on different networks.

Apologies for the long post, and thank you for any help you can provide.

I have one and I can view it from home or away. I do not need to be on the same network. Maybe restart your router/modem and try again? Else, contact TAPO support?