Paradox SP6000 + K32 keypad: Can't clear TBL 5, any ideas?

Hey everyone,

I triggered a tamper alarm when I opened my control box in the attic—Zone 32. I’ve cleared the issue, and the zone is no longer showing an error, but I can’t get rid of TBL 5.

When I go into TBL and press 5, the “ARM” light flashes, but no other lights are on. What am I supposed to do?

I have full access, including installer and PC codes, and I have BabyWare connected if that helps.

Is there a specific button combination on the K32 keypad I need to use?

Appreciate any help!

Paradox can be a bit finicky.

If you’re connected with BabyWare and the log doesn’t show any active trouble codes in red, I’d just try rebooting the panel.

Terrell said:
Paradox can be a bit finicky.

If you’re connected with BabyWare and the log doesn’t show any active trouble codes in red, I’d just try rebooting the panel.

I kind of tried that. Since there’s no real reboot option, I cut the mains power and then the battery. That triggered the external siren since it’s Normally Closed. After restoring power, TBL 5 came back just like before.

Here’s the manual in case you need it:

TBL 5 indicates a zone tamper or wiring fault.

Are you using end-of-line resistors?

For anyone else who runs into this: I fixed it. In BabyWare, I disabled Zone 32 and pushed the config. Then, I re-enabled Zone 32, which immediately logged two messages: TAMPER and TAMPER RESTORED. That cleared the TBL 5 error!

Seems like the system was stuck in a ghost state. So yeah, a little buggy!

I ended up disabling Zone 32 since I don’t need a tamper there.

Nice work!