Pan V3 Motion Tracking

Is there a way to set the motion tracking feature to focus on AI-detected objects, like just people, rather than vehicles? I live off a U.S. highway and would prefer it to track people but not every car that passes by.

Great question! I’d also like to know how long it will take before the motor wears out from zipping left and right all day and night.

The horizontal panning on my Pan v3 already lost about 100 degrees of rotation within just the first three days.

Great question! I’d also like to know how long it will take before the motor wears out from zipping left and right all day and night.

The pan feature feels pointless if the tracking actually works. Spending 10 seconds at every waypoint is just silly.

Given Wyze’s use of budget components, those motors will likely be dead in a couple of years. If not the motor, then the gears and bearings will eventually bind. A lot of Pan 1 units developed motor problems, and they barely move now.

My advice: turn off the continuous pan feature.

Pan V3 Motion Tracking refers to a motion tracking technology or system, likely used in various applications such as video production or surveillance, designed to follow and capture movement efficiently. If you have specific details or context about its use or features, please provide them for a more tailored response.