Looking for Renter-Friendly Solutions to Secure My Sash Lock Door—Need Advice

Today, someone rattled my door while I was inside, which has made me nervous about the security of my flat when I’m out. I live in the UK, and my flat is in a house divided into three units. The old interior doors with simple sash locks now serve as our “front doors.” My landlord doesn’t allow me to change the handle or lock, which is common in my experience.

The main issue is that the sash lock on my door, which is meant for internal use, doesn’t feel secure enough when I leave the flat. I’m looking for renter-friendly ways to deter or prevent someone from picking the lock from the communal hallway when I’m not home.

The house has a standard front door to the street, but my concern is with someone getting into my flat through the communal hallway, as nearly happened today. Someone fully depressed my door handle, which made me feel very uneasy, though I had locked the door from the inside. They might have thought I was out and were trying to get in.

While I can use door bars, click locks, and wedges when I’m inside, I need advice on securing the door from the exterior side when I’m away. Moving or installing heavy hardware isn’t an option, so I’m seeking renter-friendly solutions to make my sash lock door more secure.

Any suggestions on how to deter or stop someone from picking the sash lock would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!