Looking for recommendations on fire and water proof safes

I’m seeking advice on finding a good fire and water proof safe. I currently have a small First Alert safe but need a larger one for documents and photos, especially living in Southern CA. I’ve looked at options on Amazon and Temu, but they seem to only offer fireproof bags which don’t feel reliable.

If I were you, I’d avoid general retailers and look for something more specific. When I researched safes, I opted for a TL30 safe that’s both fire and water proof. Inside, I use sealed bags for documents and items, and I rotate silica bags every 4 months to prevent humidity. Consider checking out stores like Safe and Vault Store to find the right TL rating based on your needs.

Good suggestion! Another tip: see if there’s a locksmith company in your area with decades of experience. They often have used TL rated safes at lower prices than new ones.

The higher quality safes are more expensive for a reason. I also recommend keeping additional copies of important documents in a bank vault or with trusted family or friends. Digitizing photos and documents can also make them easier to store and recover.

I wouldn’t waste money on “fire proof” safes. They often lack standard testing and are just lined with drywall.

Rafael said:
I wouldn’t waste money on “fire proof” safes. They often lack standard testing and are just lined with drywall.

I respectfully disagree.