I have, what seems like, a very high electric bill. My heat, oven, and dryer all run on LP. Yet somehow my electricity bill is at 840 kWh this month. The only factor I can think of is our water heater. I’m convinced there is a leak, but apparently, I have used (2 people in the house, each taking 1 shower a day) 2000 gallons of water this month, which seems high. Other than that, I’ve got no idea what else can bring the electric bill so high.
I use an energy monitor installed in my electric panel that lets me know my real time energy use, and eventually ‘figures out’ what my devices are and how much electricity they use. It’s awesome. I’m not sure if I can share the name of it here though.
Is it Sense? lol
Bradley said:
Is it Sense? lol
Bradley said:
Is it Sense? lol
Does it actually figure out the devices? I’m considering getting it but everyone says it sucks
Erik said:
Bradley said:
Is it Sense? lol
Does it actually figure out the devices? I’m considering getting it but everyone says it sucks
It does, and it doesn’t. It finds appliances sure… but generalized names and doesn’t find every item ‘all the time’ necessarily. If I could manually turn things on and off and name them specifically, it would help. But to keep an eye on things and have a better than ‘no idea what’s going on’ view of things, it’s for sure worth the investment for no more than the cost is, I think. I don’t see a place here to post a pic of the appliances mine has found.
Agreed. Emporia VUE3 is the upgrade IMO. I’ll find out in a month or two
Isaac said:
Agreed. Emporia VUE3 is the upgrade IMO. I’ll find out in a month or two
Never heard of it. I’ll have to check it out.
Erik said:
Bradley said:
Is it Sense? lol
Does it actually figure out the devices? I’m considering getting it but everyone says it sucks
It sucks. Don’t get it for that. For overall usage, it works well but if you need to actually identify devices, it’s terrible
That makes sense, for overall my meter from the utility company is smart and I think in TX you can get access to that. I was hoping to be able to monitor washer/dryer/oven. Might get Shellys for those
My 80-liter boiler consumes about 8 kWh per day. I think yours is probably bigger with 2 persons. If you switch it off for a day and monitor the energy consumption you should get a good idea of how many kWh’s it consumes. Do you use electric heaters? A Dryer? Gaming stuff? Classic light bulbs? How many TVs? etc.
No electric heaters. Gas dryer. Water heater is 40 gallons (~150 liters). I guess the other contributor could be my work setup. I work from home sometimes and I have two computers hooked up to an extra monitor each. I usually run that 8/10 hours a day, 4 days a week. 1 TV, classic light bulbs. I was thinking about getting some smart, energy-efficient light bulbs that I can hook up to WiFi and monitor.
If you have 10 x 100W lightbulbs on for 5 hours a day that’s 150 kWh a month. Just replacing those with regular 7W LED bulbs will drop that to 10.5 kWh a month.
Josephine said:
If you have 10 x 100W lightbulbs on for 5 hours a day that’s 150 kWh a month. Just replacing those with regular 7W LED bulbs will drop that to 10.5 kWh a month.
What kind of maniac is using 100W bulbs in their home?
In the US… The only thing we ever put 60W bulbs in was like a nightstand lamp. Everything else was 100W… Recessed can lights were 120W. Who only has 10 lightbulbs?
Josephine said:
In the US… The only thing we ever put 60W bulbs in was like a nightstand lamp. Everything else was 100W… Recessed can lights were 120W. Who only has 10 lightbulbs?
I’m in the US and would never use a 100W bulb anywhere in my home. That’s insanely bright.
Good for you buddy…
Although it’s a good idea to not wait any longer replacing classical light bulbs with LED variants, together with your quite normal home setup, it still doesn’t explain your total energy consumption. Not even nowhere close. Energy doesn’t ‘leak’. Something is drawing that power and converts it into heat. You should be able to track it down. I have a device to monitor energy consumption which you can put into a power socket. Such a thing is handy to get an idea of what your appliances actually consume (vs the manual). But you shouldn’t need it to find a gap of about 400 kWh a month. I think you should start monitoring what your boiler exactly draws per day. Some households pay a different price for energy depending on the time of day. That means the clock of your boiler needs periodical adjustments to keep it in sync.
Please do.
840 kWh! Mine was 120 kWh last month. And that was 30 kWh higher because I ran my ceramic oven twice. Are you heating your neighborhood?