Is this Lorex 4k NVR kit for USD$213 a good deal?

I’m located in Canada, and my local Costco is liquidating a Lorex 4k NVR kit with 4 cameras and a 2TB hard drive for CAD$300 (around USD$213) before taxes.

EDIT: Photos here:

Does this seem like a good deal?

It’s a decent price for entry-level cameras, but remember that professional installation could cost $800–$1,000. Many people buy these expecting to pay much less for installation, but that’s not usually the case.

Thanks for the response! I’m pretty DIY savvy and have already run Cat6 wiring in my house and business during renovations. So the installation cost is just my time and equipment.

Most people who buy DIY kits probably install them themselves. Paying $1,000 to run 4 wires seems really high.