I'm looking for an alarm system that will go off if my teenage daughter doesn't get from her car into the house safely at night within a minute or two

Here’s what I need: if my daughter arrives home late at night after everyone has gone to bed, she can activate the alarm from her car using a remote control, Wi-Fi, or the internet. The alarm, mounted on the house, would then give her a set amount of time (like one or two minutes) to get inside and deactivate it. If she doesn’t deactivate it in time, the alarm will sound loudly.

This way, if there’s any unexpected danger and she can’t get from the car to the house, the alarm will indicate she hasn’t made it inside safely.

Does anyone know of an alarm system like this, what it’s called, or have a link?

This is the best subreddit I could find to post the question. If there’s a better one, please let me know. Thanks for your help!