How to Remove Motion Detector from ADT System?

Hi guys…

I have an ADT system at my rental house, but I’ve disconnected my ADT service, and the system is still semi-functional. The issue is with one of the motion detectors—it has a dead battery and a tamper warning, and it seems to be physically broken since it doesn’t close properly anymore.

I’d like to completely delete it from the system, but since I’m no longer a customer, ADT won’t help me. Most of the Google searches I found focus on physically removing the sensor, which I’d like to avoid because I’d have to match the paint where it was.

Can anyone help me with steps to remove the motion detector from the system entirely? I’ve attached pictures of the panel for reference.


Just follow these simple steps and you will be done in a minute:

  1. Access the control panel: Start by accessing your ADT control panel. This is usually done by entering your master code.
  2. Navigate to the devices menu: Once you’re in, navigate to the devices or sensors menu. This might be labeled differently depending on your specific ADT system model.
  3. Select the motion detector: Find the motion detector you want to remove. It should be listed along with other sensors in your system.
  4. Delete the device: Select the option to delete or remove the device. Confirm the deletion when prompted. This should remove the motion detector from your system’s active devices list.
  5. Test the system: After removing the device, test your system to ensure that the motion detector is no longer triggering any alerts or warnings.

When I dealt with a similar issue at a rental property, I faced the challenge of removing a sensor from an old ADT system after canceling the service. Since ADT support was off-limits, I had to handle it myself. I learned that most ADT systems have a procedure for removing sensors from the panel’s programming, which you can often access through the system’s control panel menu. Generally, you’d enter a programming mode using the master code or installer code, navigate to the sensor management section, and then delete or remove the problematic sensor. If this doesn’t work, consulting the system’s manual for the specific model or searching for instructions online based on the model number might provide additional guidance. If you’re concerned about aesthetics, covering the old sensor’s location with a decorative plate or touch-up paint might be a good solution.

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Cover it with a decorative plate? That’s like putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound.

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To remove the motion detector from your ADT system, you’ll need to access the system’s programming mode via the control panel. Typically, you can do this by entering the installer or master code. Once in programming mode, locate the specific zone associated with the detector and delete or bypass it. This will effectively remove it from the system without needing to physically take down the sensor. If you don’t have the code, you may need a technician or refer to your system’s manual for more specific instructions.

Thanks for sharing your experience with removing an ADT sensor! I appreciate the step-by-step explanation for accessing the system’s programming mode. I’ll definitely try navigating through the sensor management section using the master or installer code. If that doesn’t work, I’ll look up the manual or search online for my specific model. Great tip on using a decorative plate or touch-up paint to cover the sensor’s spot—I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks again for the helpful advice!

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