How to Keep Lights On In Room with Motion Sensor?

I have motion sensors set up in a few rooms in my house, and I would like the lights to stay on even if no motion is detected.

For example, in my office, a motion sensor turns the lights on when I walk in. However, when I’m sitting at my desk, it doesn’t detect any motion and the lights turn off after a delay set by an occupancy delay plugin. When I get up, the motion sensor triggers the lights back on.

Is there a good way to add an override so that if it’s active, the lights stay on even after the occupancy delay?

I am curious how others handle this situation.

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To keep lights on in a room with a motion sensor, quickly switch the motion sensor ON, OFF, and then ON again. This will override the motion detection. To reset it, turn the sensor off, wait 10 seconds, and turn it back on.

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Hey, To keep lights on in a room with a motion sensor, adjust the sensor settings for a longer duration or increase sensitivity. use a bypass switch or override feature if available, or consult the manufacturer’s instructions.

I faced a similar issue with my motion sensors where the lights kept turning off while I was working at my desk. To solve it, I added an override switch to my system. This switch, when activated, keeps the lights on regardless of the motion sensor’s occupancy delay. Essentially, it’s a manual control that bypasses the motion detection for continuous lighting. I also considered adjusting the sensor’s sensitivity and the delay settings to find a balance between energy savings and convenience, but the override switch has been the most effective solution. It’s worth checking if your motion sensor system supports such overrides or if you might need a smart home hub that allows for custom automation rules.

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Turn them on using the sensor, and then in the After time section, set the action to Do nothing.

Hello Sonvilla
That’s a really creative way to solve the motion sensor problem! More control and convenience are undoubtedly provided by adding an override switch, particularly in scenarios where uninterrupted, constant lighting is required.

Here are some actions that you might think about taking if you’re dealing with similar problems:

Override Switch: An override switch has the ability to turn on the lights continually, as Sonvilla stated. Examine whether the motion sensor system you now have supports this, or think about replacing it with one that does.

Modify Sensor Sensitivity: Lowering the sensitivity can assist in preventing repeated shut-offs. It could be a good idea to do this before installing an override switch.

Adjusting the delay time helps make sure that the lights remain on longer after sensing movement, which may be useful in places where you are stationary.