How do i disable this old gemini security system?

The Gemini panel has been beeping continuously. I have already removed a black battery from the panel, but the alarms are still going off. Any suggestions?


Typically, alarms are powered by two sources. A faceplate-mounted white power brick, also known as a “wall wart,” is one type. This is usually located next to the doorbell transformer, in the attic, or next to the wiring box in a closet. Although it appears to be a typical wall adaptor, the wires are typically stapled to the wall or hidden from view. The power brick may be effortlessly removed with a standard screwdriver thanks to the screw terminals on the bottom. You have previously disconnected the battery, which is the other power source.


Hard-wired alarm systems are linked directly to both your phone line and your power source. It’s a good idea to have it safely disconnected by a security company. Keep in mind that you’ll probably need to install new smoke and carbon monoxide detectors if you decide not to use it any more.

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Locate the transformer, which might be in the attic, and disconnect the wires from the backup battery.