Hi guys I need to buy a new z-wave hub please help me

My Vera Z-wave Hub is seven or eight years old right now. It functions well, but (I guess) it’s outdated and doesn’t have profiles for the more recent devices, thus I’m having problems adding new ones to it. In addition, it’s not a z-Wave Plus device, and I’m experiencing some connectivity and range problems in my new home. If it supported Zigbee and additional protocols, it would be fantastic. I need something that will simply and fuss-free work with as many devices as possible.

In any case, I don’t have time to look into this. I have one week to figure it all out and get it operational. My current short list is…

  • HomeSeer HomeTroller Pi G3 Hub - Hubitat Elevation Hub C-7

One or both of these? Another thing?

Old Z-wave hub causing trouble adding new devices? Need a new hub ASAP (1 week)? Here’s the quick take:

  • Hubitat Elevation Hub C-7: Easy setup, Z-wave compatible (recent devices too). Good choice for tight deadline.
  • HomeSeer HomeTroller Pi G3: More setup time, but does Z-wave and Zigbee for future flexibility.

Considering time crunch, Hubitat might be easier. But if you have some time and want Zigbee, HomeSeer is an option.

No matter what, confirm the hub works with your specific Z-wave devices! Good luck!