Experience with Defender Camera Systems

Hello Guyz,

I wanted to share my recent experience with Defender cameras, specifically the Vision 4-camera 4K resolution model.

Four years ago, I installed Defender’s 8-camera 4K system at my in-laws’ place, and considering the price, it was a reasonable setup. However, it’s become apparent that since 2019, the quality has significantly declined.

My current cameras struggle to detect even large white garbage trucks or agricultural tractors driving through the motion zone at the end of my driveway. Detection of people is practically non-existent, completely defeating the purpose of having motion sensitivity.

When I reached out to Defender support (who only communicate via chat), they insisted that my cameras were set too high for motion detection to function properly, which I find hard to believe. I positioned one of the cameras at eye level, concealed within my treeline, and even that fails to detect me walking within its field of view, whether nearby or far away.

In the evenings, the motion detection picks up every bug attracted to the IR light. I’m honestly astonished by how inadequate the current motion detection is on these cameras, and equally disappointed by the excuses provided by their customer service. It seems like there needs to be a massive shift in pixels on any of these cameras for motion detection to be triggered.

While others may have had a better experience with Defender, if given the chance to do it over, I would definitely opt for a different and higher-quality brand.


Since I’ve had my cameras for approximately six months (Defender Vision 4K/Wired), the motion sense feature on them does appear to perform a little bit better, even though I still firmly believe that Defender support is appalling.

The cameras are on continuous record, and I use the little red blips on the recording—which indicate motion trigger—or run the movie at 32 times the normal speed when I’m examining it. It’s not perfect, but it suffices.

It’s difficult to say for the money, I suppose, but these were reasonably priced in comparison to other wired systems, so I guess I should set reasonable expectations.

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