Cancelling Brinks Home Security - A Nightmare Experience

I know this has been posted before, but canceling Brinks Home Security has been an absolute nightmare for me. They claim I signed a contract, but I can’t find a copy anywhere – not in my physical files, not digitally, and it’s not even available in their online portal. They’re now saying I have to pay over $3000 to cancel, with 48 months left on a 60-month contract. I’ve had them for 33 months and only just realized that when I signed to keep my rate low, I inadvertently locked myself into this contract.

I’m trying to cancel because their equipment hasn’t worked in months, and they keep dragging their feet about scheduling a technician to fix it. I’ve already filed a complaint with the BBB and called three times to cancel, but I’m stuck between having a non-functional camera for another 48 months or paying off the contract in full.

Is there anything else I can do to cancel? I really can’t afford the $3000 right now. Any advice would be appreciated!

It sounds like they offered you a reduced rate, which is common in the industry but usually requires signing a new agreement. You may have unknowingly signed up for a new contract to get that lower rate. Where I worked, we would reduce the monthly fee if the subscriber signed a new contract. You should request copies of all signed agreements. I recommend communicating via certified USPS mail with a signature request, so you can track it and get the documents you need to figure out your situation. Good luck!

Yeah, I found the email they sent about the contract extension. I’m currently on the phone with them, getting the contract details and the exact end date. My plan is to call and cancel two months ahead of time. In the meantime, I’m leaving one-star reviews wherever I can.

You can cancel it today

I tried but it’s $3000+.

If you’ve already renewed and have 48 months left, that means your camera is about 6 years old, and equipment does wear out over time. The frustrating part is not being able to get a service tech, which is ridiculous. Since you haven’t mentioned issues with paying a service fee or even getting a new camera, I’m assuming money isn’t the problem—just the lack of service. It’s unfortunate that you can’t get proper support. Maybe try looking for a local security company instead.

That’s the plan. We’re keeping the doorbell since we’re stuck with the company for another 48 months, but we’re buying cameras from the local Home Depot and setting them up ourselves, along with some floodlights.

If it’s any consolation, I work at a local alarm company, and doorbell cameras have been such a nightmare that we stopped selling them altogether. We tried, but they’re just too much trouble to service. We only sell hardwired cameras now. I totally understand your frustration, but at this point, you’re probably just paying for monitoring (police, fire, and ambulance), which has nothing to do with the cameras.

If you switch to a new company, you’ll likely have to start from scratch, finance new equipment, and pay for monitoring separately (which is how most companies are doing it now). It might save you more money in the long run to just buy your own doorbell camera and keep the monitoring with your current company. If the doorbell camera is that important to you, consider looking into Ring—they tend to work better than most others. Hope that helps!

Inform them firmly to refer to your contract and disregard their demands.

Avoid using nationwide companies for your security needs at all costs.