I bought a house that has wired door sensors, likely installed 20 years ago. I’m looking for a way to connect them to a smart home system. Is it possible to repurpose these older sensors for modern smart systems?
If you have a DCS or Honeywell Vista panel, you can add an Envisalink keypad-to-ethernet adapter. This device works with various home automation systems. I use it with my DSC1864, and it integrates well with HA, including monitoring for insurance through Eyez-On.
Not sure what panel is installed, but I’ll look into this keypad adapter. Thanks for the tip.
Do you know the brand of the sensors?
SecureSentrySam said:
Do you know the brand of the sensors?
I’m not sure. Is there an easy way to check?
If they’re wired, they’re essentially just switches that detect open or closed states. Most systems can read that signal. I use a Honeywell Vista 20p for my wired sensors. You can even find generic sensors on eBay for a few dollars each because they’re simple devices—a magnet and a switch.
Thanks for explaining. I’m considering wiring them into a Raspberry Pi. Need to do some research on that.
You could just leave the old sensors in place. Modern systems use wireless sensors that are easier to install. No need to remove the old wires unless they’re visible and you don’t like how they look.
Look into Konnected. They make a conversion kit for wired alarm systems, so you can integrate your old sensors into a smart home setup.
Bodhi said:
Look into Konnected. They make a conversion kit for wired alarm systems, so you can integrate your old sensors into a smart home setup.
Appreciate the suggestion. I’ll check it out.
I recommend Konnected too. I connected my old wired door and motion sensors to it, and now they work with SmartThings Home Monitor. It’s inexpensive, simple to set up, and works great.
Williams said:
I recommend Konnected too. I connected my old wired door and motion sensors to it, and now they work with SmartThings Home Monitor. It’s inexpensive, simple to set up, and works great.
Good to hear. Hoping the setup is straightforward!