Can I still use my ADT equipment after ending their contract?

Hi Folks, :blush: I am considering ending my contract with ADT, but I am not sure about the equipment. Can I still use my ADT equipment after the contract ends, or will I need to get new devices? Any advice or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated. :pray:

Yes, you can continue using your existing ADT equipment after ending your contract, as long as the equipment is compatible and you have the necessary access codes. The equipment belongs to you, even if ADT installed and maintained it during your service. You’re free to use it with a different security provider or for self-monitoring. However, you may need to reprogram the system or get new codes from ADT to fully control the equipment on your own.

It depends on the type of video system you have. If you’re using ADT’s cloud-based Pulse cameras (which work with the ADT Pulse app), then no, you won’t be able to use the cameras to record video or anything else once the service ends. However, if you have an ADT CCTV system with a DVR or NVR on site, then yes, you should still be able to use your cameras to record video locally. Keep in mind that you would lose any remote access features, like viewing the cameras on your phone or computer, and you would also lose any service agreement. This means if you encounter any issues with the cameras or the DVR/NVR, ADT won’t service them—you’ll need to handle it yourself.

Your bill may have had three separate charges for each system:

  1. Lease charges (unless you purchased the equipment)
  2. Service charges (for maintenance and repair)
  3. Monitoring charges

If you end your service contract, ADT will no longer maintain the equipment. If you also cancel your monitoring contract, you should disconnect the system from the phone line or internet, depending on how they were monitoring it.

If you were leasing the equipment, ADT should send you instructions on how to return it. You can continue using the equipment until you return it. If they don’t ask for it back, after a certain period (depending on your state’s laws), it could be considered abandoned property, and you may be able to keep and use it.

So, if you own the equipment, or if they’ve abandoned their leased equipment, you can continue using it as long as you disconnect it from their monitoring service and handle any maintenance issues on your own.