Brinks adt split

I was tricked into switching to Brinks from ADT under false pretenses, believing Brinks had acquired ADT. After learning the truth, I tried to cancel but was told I signed a five-year contract. ADT confirmed Brinks did not acquire them. Brinks representatives lied to me twice, but they insist I must pay over $1,000 or fulfill the remaining two years of the contract. I can’t find my contract details.

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It sounds like you were duped by Brinks. They misled you in order to persuade you to switch from ADT. You’re now caught in an unfavourable long-term contract. Here is what you can do.

  • Call Brinks to explain what happened. Maintain a polite yet firm tone.
  • Ask them to email you a copy of your contract so you may review the details.
  • Consider requesting an early termination of the contract due to misinformation. If they answer no, you can file a complaint with a consumer protection body or see a lawyer.

I’m sorry to hear you were misled into switching your home security provider to Brinks under false pretenses. Based on my research, it appears Brinks and ADT are separate companies, and Brinks did not actually acquire ADT as you were told. This seems to be a case of deceptive sales tactics by Brinks representatives. While you may have signed a multi-year contract, the fact that Brinks representatives provided you with inaccurate information twice suggests the contract may not be enforceable. I would recommend reaching out to ADT directly to confirm they have no affiliation with Brinks, and then contacting Brinks again to firmly dispute the contract terms. Explain that you were misled and demand they release you from the agreement without penalty. If they refuse, you may need to consult a consumer protection lawyer to review the contract and potentially take legal action against Brinks for fraudulent practices. You should not be held responsible for a contract you were tricked into signing under false pretenses. I hope you’re able to resolve this issue and avoid the hefty fees Brinks is trying to impose.

Based on my research, Brinks and ADT are two of the largest and most well-known home security providers in the United States, but they are separate and independent companies. Brinks was originally founded as a security and armored car company, while ADT has its roots in the home security industry. While the two companies have competed in the past, they currently operate as distinct entities with their own product offerings, pricing, and customer service. Some key differences are that Brinks requires a 3-year monitoring contract compared to ADT’s 24-36 months, and Brinks customers own their equipment upfront while ADT’s is leased. Ultimately, the choice between Brinks and ADT comes down to factors like contract length, equipment ownership, pricing, and personal preferences. Both are reputable providers, but they have distinct approaches to home security services.