Bollards by kid's bedroom?

Hello there! We have a corner lot and our kiddo sleeps in the corner bedroom… In the corner haha.

Sometimes people drive like maniacs. A house in my parent’s neighborhood had a car go through a fence, into their house. And I’m like, nope.

Trying to figure out what to use as safety bollards? And how close to the house should they be to offer protection (and not get pushed into the house)?

Big boulders are appealing but how big do they have to be to not get pushed?

Any insight and help you could provide would be fantastic!

Thank you!

Call up a rock yard ask about the biggest god damn rocks they deliver. For stopping cars specifically, I’m sure they’d love the question.

Sink them a foot or two in the ground. I don’t think they’ll move very far.

Cool project for safety. Big rocks are awesome.

Boulders are way more affordable than you’d think. I bought a knee high granite boulder that was over 900 lbs for around $100. That thing isn’t going anywhere and it’s not sunk in the ground. One like that in the ground should stop a car if there’s others to help stop the momentum.

Well the rocks themselves may not be that expensive. What is expensive is paying someone with heavy machinery to move it and place it. Unless you have your own heavy machinery of course.

Duncan said:
Well the rocks themselves may not be that expensive. What is expensive is paying someone with heavy machinery to move it and place it. Unless you have your own heavy machinery of course.

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But be careful of the shape. You don’t want to ‘ramp’ an oncoming car missile right into the house.

Leo said:
But be careful of the shape. You don’t want to ‘ramp’ an oncoming car missile right into the house.

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The shape of a boulder may cause the car to be launched. Perhaps a bollard is bettter.

Brian said:
The shape of a boulder may cause the car to be launched. Perhaps a bollard is bettter.

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I got what seem to be relevant info from the obvious search: standards for car safety bollards