Best Stealth Cameras for Orchard Surveillance?

Hey peeps

I’ve been dealing with some frustrating issues in my orchard—someone’s been stealing my fruit, and I’ve also noticed trash being dumped around. I’m looking to set up a few cameras to catch the culprits, but I need them to be as discreet as possible since they could be damaged if discovered.

Here’s what I’m looking for:

  • Stealthy design (no visible lights, flash, or anything that might give them away, especially at night)
  • Solar or battery-powered (since wiring is not an option)
  • Live streaming via WiFi or at least motion-triggered footage sent to my device
  • Preferably not using SIM cards for each camera, as I can’t afford multiple data plans. If there’s a system that can use one SIM card but supports multiple cameras, that would work too.
  • I’d prefer not to have footage saved directly on the camera in case they get stolen or damaged.

Does anyone have any recommendations for cameras that fit these requirements? Your advice would be a huge help. :wink: