Best place to install a door sensor?

Hey everyone, I’m setting up an alarm system and need some advice on where to place door sensors. I was planning to put them on tilting PVC windows, but now I’m unsure since I already have motion sensors covering those areas in case of glass breakage.

Should I place the door sensor on the room door or the windows? Also, for rooms where the door is usually open, would it still make sense to have a sensor there?

I’m gonna grab a beer and come back.

Kolby said:
I’m gonna grab a beer and come back.

Yeah, me too. Beer sounds good.

Not sure I follow, but here’s the general rule:

  • Motion sensors go in corners, about 90 inches high. Good spots are hallways, entry doors, big rooms, and the master bedroom.
  • Door/window sensors go directly on the door or window, making sure they’re aligned and don’t interfere with opening and closing.
  • A basic setup usually includes sensors on the front door, back door, garage door, and at least one motion sensor per floor.

I’d also recommend adding a smoke detector and CO detector if you haven’t already.

It sounds like you’re mixing up different types of sensors.

  • Glass break sensors detect breaking glass. They won’t detect motion.
  • Motion sensors detect movement in a room and are usually placed in corners.
  • Door sensors go on doors to detect when they open and close.

If you’re asking about a door sensor, put it on the door itself. If it’s a motion sensor, place it in a corner of the room where it can cover the most space.