Anyone else struggle with their bathroom motion sensor light turning off unexpectedly?

Hi everyone,

Longtime lurker here, finally taking the plunge to ask for some advice!

I am trying to automate my bathroom lights with a motion sensor switch, I just installed a Kasa one last night! , but whoops, it turns out the sensor does not pick up movement in the shower.

I have scoured the internet for solutions, but with no luck. Maybe this is a common problem you all have experience with.

Ideally, I would like to find a light switch and remote motion sensor combo. That way, I could place the remote sensor inside the shower stall to keep the lights on during, well, shower time! My bathroom light is a fluorescent ceiling fixture, if that matters. I also use Google Home for smart home stuff.

If a remote sensor setup is not possible, I might just have to bump up the switch’s auto-off time from 2 minutes to something more reasonable, like 15 minutes.

Any insights or recommendations would be hugely appreciated.

If your bathroom motion sensor light isn’t catching movement in the shower, consider adding a remote sensor or adjusting the auto-off time on your Kasa switch. It might help keep the lights on longer when needed.

I’ve done some thorough research on this issue, and it seems many people have struggled with their bathroom motion sensor lights turning off unexpectedly. The main problem is that these sensors are often installed near the door, while the shower or bathing area is typically farther away. This can cause the sensor to “think” the room is empty and turn the lights off, even when someone is still in the shower or using the bathroom. Some solutions I’ve found include using an ultrasonic sensor that can detect motion better in the shower area, installing the sensor on the ceiling rather than the wall, increasing the time delay before the lights turn off, adding a humidity or contact sensor to prevent the lights from turning off during use, or opting for a manual on/off motion sensor switch. Ultimately, the key is finding a sensor that can reliably detect motion throughout the entire bathroom space, not just near the entrance. With the right setup, these smart lighting systems can be incredibly convenient, but they do require some troubleshooting to avoid the frustration of unexpected light shutoffs.

No, but I did think the other day “put that light out” when my husband turned the bathroom light on, waking me up.