Is putting a nameplate with our family name on the front door a bad idea?

Last name is fine, but putting everyone’s full name out there is a bit much. It was weird on bumper stickers, and it doesn’t need to move to front doors.

If it’s facing the street, then yeah, probably not the best idea.

Maybe she could hang it inside instead? That way it’s still displayed but not for everyone outside to see.

It might look nice, but it’s a risk. No one needs to know who lives there. Even in a safe neighborhood, you never know who might take advantage of the information.

Who are you worried about? It wasn’t that long ago that phone books listed names and addresses, and everyone was fine with it.

A burglar could use it to gather info, but honestly, the real issue is that home security forums attract a pretty paranoid crowd.

If you’re young, good on you for thinking about privacy. I wouldn’t put my family’s names on display like that.

I’d move it inside the house instead. You never know who’s watching.

Might as well add Social Security numbers while you’re at it.

It’s not worth the risk. We used to have a sign like that, and one day some random person rang our doorbell and asked if our kid could come out to play—using her actual name. That was enough for us to take it down immediately.

Even in a safe neighborhood, you’re giving out information that scammers or burglars could use. No reason to make it easier for them.